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Baby Sensory

Class details

Tania Hernandez


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Class details

Tania Hernandez


Baby Sensory’s award winning baby development classes are now running in your area. You and your baby will experience different sensory activities designed to support your baby’s sensory development every week and you are welcome to join at any time. Baby Sensory is an extremely popular Baby Development activity and many of our classes are fully booked, it is advisable to book early.

Visitors are always welcome but please call in advance to reserve your place.

To register your interest, please contact your local Baby Sensory Class Leader.


Hi, my name is Tania, I am married to Keith and we have 2 beautiful kids, Lucia and Nicolas.  

Since Lucia was born I have tried to take them both to different classes and love all the different opportunities that NZ presents not only to the kids but to the parents as well. I took a year off for maternity leave with both of my kids and really enjoyed being there with them and for them, and since then I have been thinking of ways that I could keep doing that.


With both of my kids I did some sensory classes and I loved it, it is such a great way to relax and enjoy your baby especially when you are a first time mum, babies are pretty amazing and the amount of development that occurs in the first year is quite incredible too, so when I realised I could be part of the Baby Sensory team I took the chance and here I am, running classes in Henderson and Hobsonville Pt. :-)


I look forward to meeting all the babies in the area and welcoming you to the Baby Sensory experience.


In addition to her Baby Sensory training, Tania has the following qualifications:

  • Computer Science degree - Colombia
  • Member of the student choir and dance group. Menorah High School Colombia
  • Member of children's music group "Sembrador de amor" Colombia
  • Dance workshops: Colombian folk dance, Milonga, Tango, Belly Dance, Latin American dance, etc
  • St John's Certificate in Chidren's First Aid


Tania's Baby Sensory classes run in Henderson, Te Atatu Peninsula and Hobsonville.

The magic of Baby Sensory touches babies and adults all over the world. If you are looking for an unforgettable experience with your baby, you won’t go far wrong with Baby Sensory! The joy and sense of awe that arises from seeing your baby learn and develop is amazing.

At Baby Sensory, we believe the first year of a baby's life is vital for the development of all the senses. A baby's brain doubles in size during their first year and it never grows that fast again. This means their first year is perfect for introducing a huge range of different smells, sounds, sights, textures and even safe objects to taste.

Because every class is different for an entire year, you can start at any stage during the term (provided there are spaces). The classes are 1 hour long and the first part is 'mat time' where we introduce a range of 'developmental' activities for the babies which usually include some baby sign language, lots of instruments and props such as feathers, scarves etc. We also give lots of knowledge around different stages of baby development, ways to play with babies at home and which games/songs they like at different ages.

The 2nd part of class is a 15-minute 'Exploratory play' time, which is for 10-15 minutes and involves you and your baby playing in our play area with all the different toys. It also gives you a chance to meet and mix with other parents and caregivers or feed/change baby if you need to. Our final part of class is back to the mat for 'sensory' activities such as waving a large parachute or balloons, bubbles, silks etc.…

It's a lovely class for babies under 13 months as sometimes (particularly for 1st time parents) it is hard to know what to do with your baby, especially at the stage when they are not very interactive. I give loads of ideas for playing at home and lots of homemade toys as well.


Term 1 2018 

$165 for a 10 week Term

$16.50 per class for each class remaining in the term if book after the term has started

Trial Class : $20

Casual Class: $20

Weekend Family Classes: $25 per baby

Half term: $95 (for 5 consecutive classes if there is availability, please email us to book)

Administration fee: $50

Fees must be paid in full to secure your space.

All places are non-refundable/ non-transferrable (see Terms & Conditions).

Special discounted rates apply for twins and triplets - please ask for details.

Book your place now!

Email: [email protected]

Mob: 021 306 676

(Please note classes last an hour and your booking must be used consecutively).


Confirmation: Once you have completed the registration process you will receive a confirmation email. This indicates you have read and agreed to these terms and conditions.

Data Protection: The information you provide during registration contains personal data. Baby Sensory will record, process and keep your personal information secure in accordance with the NZ Privacy Act 1993. Information will not be passed/sent out to a third party.

Illness: Baby Sensory's policy states that babies should be kept at home if they are ill or have a serious infection. If a serious infection has occurred, please let us know so that we can inform other parents.

Cancellation of classes: Baby Sensory will endeavor to run classes every week during the term. However should we need to cancel a class, parents will be contacted by email/text. Baby Sensory reserves the right to cancel classes without refund in exceptional circumstances beyond our control (e.g. fire, flood, etc.) 

All places are non-refundable/ non-transferrable: Baby Sensory is under no obligation to refund or transfer your money in the event that you are unable to attend part of or the entire course. You are welcome to attend an alternative session if you are unable to make your own session but this is dependent upon availability in the class and must be discussed first. You are welcome to offer your place to a friend as a gift. If you wish to offer your place to another, please notify us as soon as possible. Thank you for your co-operation. An administration fee may apply in case of any changes.

Holidays: All holidays during the current term will be notified to you in advance.  Should a need to cancel a class occur, then an additional class will be added onto the end of the current term.


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