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Baby Sensory

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Baby Sensory Classes

Toddler Sense Classes

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General outline of science to New Mini Professors. What makes a good scientist? Why children are so good at science! We will be observing, testing, measuring and predicting! details No snippet found
Norton Rock & Roll week coming soon! Don't miss this rock & roll extravaganza with singing, dancing, ribbon waving, bouncing disappearing balls and much much more! details No snippet found
Our award winning classes are back! We have some fantastic sessions lined up for you this Autumn, join us for the adventure! details No snippet found
Pocklington Rock & Roll week coming soon! Don't miss this rock & roll extravaganza, with singing, dancing, ribbon waving, disappearing bouncing balls and much much more! details No snippet found
Our award winning classes are back and now we are also running on a FRIDAY! We have some fantastic sessions lined up for you this Autumn, join us for the adventure! details No snippet found
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