Baby Sensory Terms & Conditions & Polices:
Payment: Here at Baby Sensory SW Sheffield and High Peak we are pleased to accept the following:
BACS Payments, Cash and Cheque Payments.
To book a place for your child, please click on the BOOK NOW option above.
If you experience any difficulties or have any questions, please email Claire (Baby Sensory Class Leader) at: [email protected] or call Claire on 07736 468558
BAC payments:
Please make payment to: Claire Walker
Account Number: 10846481
Sort code: 163013
Bank: RBS bank
Please include your child's full name as a reference on the transaction.
Cheque payments: Please make cheques payable to Claire Walker
Please note:Once you have registered your child to join us at one of our award-winning classes, you will then receive a welcome email, this email is in place to let you know that your booking via the online system was successful. This does not however confirm your child's booking. In order to complete your booking a fee must also be in place. Paying in advance gives you the peace of mind that your child's booking is secured.
Refunds/Cancellations of classes:
Baby Sensory has the right to cancel classes without refund in exceptional circumstances beyond their control (fire, flood, serious illness, treacherous snow etc.) but if possible will run a catch up class at an alternative time, however, this is not guaranteed.
Once payment has been received places are secured.
Once a term has started all places are non-refundable. Baby Sensory is under no obligation to refund or transfer your money in the event that you are unable to attend part of or the entire course.
If you know in advance that you are going to miss sessions due to holiday etc. Then please let Claire know and you can either attend a different class that week or send a friend in your place.
Snow Policy: Baby Sensory will endeavor to run classes during bad weather e.g. treacherous snow conditions. However, should classes need to be cancelled you will be notified as soon as possible via our facebook page and either text or email.
Data Protection: The information on registration form contains personal data. Baby Sensory will record, process and keep your personal information secure in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998. Information will not be passed/sent out to a third party.
Confidentiality: Baby Sensory prides itself on creating original and unique ideas to ensure and deliver a top quality service. Certain content and information provided throughout our classes are copy written and under ownership of Baby Sensory. Baby Sensory grants you a limited, personal, license to use ideas for home use only. Baby Sensory kindly asks customers not to copy, reproduce, create derivative works of, reverse engineer, alter, enhance or in any way exploit any of the Baby Sensory materials in any manner such as use of ideas in a public place, promotional event without permission from the copyright holders.
Illness: Parents are asked to keep their child at home if they have a serious infection and to inform the setting as to the nature of the infection so that other parents can be alerted.
Please keep your child at home if he/she:
•Has a fever or has had one in the previous 24 hours
•Has had an upset stomach or diarrhoea in the previous 24 hours
•Has discharging eyes
•Has symptoms of a possible communicable diseases such as:
•Chicken pox
•German measles
•Whooping cough
•Scarlett fever
•Hand, foot and mouth disease
Equal Opportunities: Baby Sensory works in accordance with all relevant legislation, to provide equality of opportunity for all children and families and take positive action to eliminate discrimination in all areas of their work, including:
•Disability Discrimination Act 1995, 2005
•Race Relations Act 1976 + Amendment 2000
•Sex Discrimination Act 1986
•Children Act 1989, 2004
•Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Act 2001
•The Equality Act 2006, 2010
Health and Safety: The health and safety of children and parents in our classes is of paramount importance. We adhere to strict health and safety guidelines and make sure that every aspect of care is delivered to the highest possible standard. We also make sure :
•An extensive annual risk assessment is carried out to identify aspects of the environment that need to be checked on a regular basis. These form the basis of the daily risk assessment, which is completed by the class teacher before the start of each session, ensuring that hazards to parents and babies are kept to a minimum.
•Toys and equipment are cleaned and checked each time they are used and damaged toys and equipment are immediately removed for repair or disposal, as appropriate
•The premises are hygienic – following the requirements of the Health and Hygiene Policy.
•A register of children, staff and other adults is taken at the start of each session.
Contact details:
Class Leader: Claire Walker (main contact for all enquires).
Tel: 07736 468558
E-mail: [email protected]