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Baby Sensory

Class details

Mrs Beth Skinner


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Class details

Mrs Beth Skinner


Baby Sensory’s award winning baby development classes are now running in your area. You and your baby will experience different sensory activities designed to support your baby’s sensory development every week and you are welcome to join at any time. Baby Sensory is an extremely popular Baby Development activity and many of our classes are fully booked, it is advisable to book early.

Visitors are always welcome but please call in advance to reserve your place.

To register your interest, please contact your local Baby Sensory Class Leader.


I started my career as a Playworker in Newcastle upon Tyne working with 5-15 year olds in a play and youth centre. I then went on to work with young offenders, a challenge I thoroughly enjoyed.
My next challenge began just over a year ago when I gave birth to my son. The past year has been filled with new enlightening experiences, one of which was a baby sensory class I attended with him whilst visiting friends out of the area.
My little one appeared to get so much from the session and my friends had nothing but positive things to say about their weekly experiences at Baby Sensory. I returned home feeling disappointed to not have such a stimulating, well thought out programme to attend. This is when I contacted Baby Sensory to see if it would be possible for a session to be put on in my local area, not thinking for a minute that it would be me putting it on!


BA Hons in Playwork & Social Welfare
Current Enhanced CRB Certificate 


I have attended various groups with my son and feel I have a good understanding of what most parents look for in a group, not only for their little ones but for themselves too. Baby sensory offers unique, fun, creative activities that can enhance your baby's development. Mothers and fathers also get the opportunity to mix with other parents during the session whilst the little ones can play and explore.
There are 3 sessions available, one of which is for 0-6 months, one for babies aged 7-13 months and a mixed session for birth - 13 months.

Each session has a detailed lesson plan as all activities are carefully considered and have a learning objective behind each of them which will be explained to you.


Classes are £7 per session and run in term time. Bookings are made as a block.

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