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Baby Sensory

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Baby Sensory South Reading

01256 560817

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Class details

Baby Sensory South Reading

01256 560817

Baby Sensory’s award winning baby development classes are now running in your area. You and your baby will experience different sensory activities designed to support your baby’s sensory development every week and you are welcome to join at any time. Baby Sensory is an extremely popular Baby Development activity and many of our classes are fully booked, it is advisable to book early.

Visitors are always welcome but please call in advance to reserve your place.

To register your interest, please contact your local Baby Sensory Class Leader.




Gemma Pearce's Baby Sensory classes run in Brimpton, Burghfield Common, Earley and Shinfield. The Award Winning Baby Development classes are held weekly in Brimpton,Burghfield Common, Earley and Shinfield, Berkshire. These locations are easily accessible for parents living in the local communities including; Theale, Shinfield, Spencers Wood, Mortimer and Earley. If you are looking for an exciting activity which will be fun for you and will help with your baby’s sensory development call your Class Leader, Gemma, who will arrange for you and your baby to visit one of her classes.


Class fees are £75 per baby per 10 week term or £110 for twins per 10 week term, classes are one hour long.

You can join a term at any time and pay from the week you start if places are still available or join the waiting list.

Class fees are £75 per baby for a 10 week term or £110 for twins per 10 week term, classes are one hour long.

You can join a term at any time and pay from the week you start if places are still available or join the waiting list.

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