Terms & Conditions
Classes & Confirmation: Once booked on a class you will receive an email confirming your place, cost and methods of payment. This indicates that you have read the terms and conditions. If there are no spaces available on a class I will hold a waiting list for the next term. Each 1 hour class costs £7.50 and will be block booked per term/half term. Please note that once registration is completed along with the fee indicated you have opted to secure your place
(fees are non returnable and non transferable)
Payment: Baby Sensory classes are secured by payment at the time of booking. If you have spoken to me and secured your place by other means we can hold your place for 7 days without payment. If a booking is not paid within this time your place may be released.
Missed Sessions: Unfortunately Baby Sensory are unable to offer concessions for sickness or holidays. If you know you are going to be unable to attend a session you can let a friend attend in your place. Please contact us at
[email protected] to inform us of the change of person including your name, their name, baby's name, baby's date of birth and a contact number. Regretfully you are unable to carry any missed sessions over into the new term. Thank you for your co-operation.
Older Siblings: Our classes are designed for babies from birth to 13 months only. Due to the nature of the classes older siblings, regretfully cannot attend.
Illness: Baby Sensory's policy states that children should be kept at home if they are ill or have a serious infection. If a serious infection has occurred, please let us know so that we can inform other parents.
Cancellation of classes: Baby Sensory will endeavour to run classes during bad weather e.g treacherous snow conditions; however, should we need to cancel a class, you will be notified by email/text/phone. Alternatively you can contact me on 07885463238.
Baby sensory has the right to cancel classes without refund in exceptional circumstances beyond my control (fire, flood, treacherous snow, illness etc). If possible I will run a catch up session; however, this is not guaranteed.
Data Protection: The information you provide during registration contains personal data. Baby Sensory will record, process and keep personal information in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998. Information will
not be passed/sent out to a third party.