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Croydon Baby Sensory Tabita Gerber
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Prior to teaching Baby Sensory, I volunteered and taught at a home for abused, broken and lost children, back in South Africa. Then, after 8 long years and 7 IVFs, we finally fell pregnant, the natural way!
We were ecstatic.
However, being like most mums-to-be and having had a demanding full-time job in the city, I was terribly worried that I'll be alone, just my baby and I, with endless nappies and feeds, day in and day out. But like most fears, I needn’t have worried. Our local health care professional quickly got us signed up for a baby massage class. It was great to meet other mums but my baby boy hated it!
So, we found ourselves going from one baby activity to the next. All these classes left me feeling unsatisfied and some were even torture. One day a friend mentioned that she's been going to Baby Sensory with her little boy and that they both loved it. So, I went surfing the net, found a class, and only realised afterwards, how lucky we were to have found an immediate place.
As with all new activities, at first, I was a little apprehensive, but the moment the class started it was as though a light went on. Both in my head and in my baby’s eyes. His little face glowed with joy and was totally captivated by the fun activities. After just one class, Baby Sensory became the highlight of our week! It not only influenced our play as I now understood, but in our everyday life, I came to understand the value of banging a pot with a spoon and singing those seemingly pointless songs, and why music and rhythm and playing peek-a-boo for hours on end is of such importance to that young mind.
Experiencing the impact of this brilliant programme at first hand, has caused me to leave my life of suits and stilettos behind and support Mums and Dads in this very precious, irreplaceable, 1st year of learning and development with their babies.
I believe that after you visit one of my Baby Sensory classes, you too will find the same satisfaction in the knowledge that you have done your very best in giving your baby the necessary platform for learning and development, during these impressionable early years. (… and have lots of fun in the process :0)
BA Hons Theology BA Psychology Being a Mum!
Tabita Gerber’s Baby Sensory classes run in Croydon and Reigate in Surrey.
The Award Winning Baby Development classes are held weekly in Sanderstead, Croydon and Reigate in East Surrey.
These locations are easily accessible for parents living in the local communities including; Croydon, Sanderstead, Shirley, Addiscombe, Selsdon, Merstham, Kingswood, Redhill, Reigate, Nutfield, Merstham, South Croydon, Norwood and Thornton Heath.
If you are looking for an exciting activity which will be fun for you and will help with your baby’s sensory development call your Class Leader, Tabita, who will arrange for you and your baby to visit one of her classes.
A term normally runs for 11 weeks, but it is not a course - enabling you to join any time a space becomes available.
A class cost £8.5 per 1 hour session - full payment for the whole or remaining term will be due on registration. (Classes cost £13 per session for twins -please get in touch to book)
Payment can be made by either cheque or bank transfer.
For cheque payments:
please send a cheque for the full amount, made payable to T Gerber to:
104 Sunnybank
Please note your name, class and time (as on the class register) on the back of the cheque.
For bank transfer, please make payment to the following account:
Account Name: T Gerber
Bank: HSBC
Sort code: 40 15 05
Acc no: 72363518
As reference please use Reigate (R), Addiscombe (A) or Sanderstead (S), Time of Class (11), Name of Registering Parent (Claudine)for instance; reference R11Claudine will be for Claudine to attend the 11h30 Reigate class.
Spaces are allocated on a first come basis, book soon not to be disappointed - your booking is secured once payment has been received - everyone on a waiting list need to register for their preferred class of the new term - nobody is automatically transferred.
Autumn Term Dates 2017:
Reigate: 5th September - 21st November 17 (no class Tuesday 24th October)
Addiscombe: 13th September - 22nd November 17
Sanderstead: 8th September - 24th November 17 (no class Friday 27th October)
Summer Term Dates 2017:
Reigate: 6th June - 15th August 17
Addiscombe: 14th June - 23rd August 17
Sanderstead: 9th June - 18th August 17
***WEEKLY CLASSES IN Reigate, Addiscombe & Sanderstead***
Reigate Details:
Somers Hall
8 Slipshoe Street
Addiscombe Details:
St Mildreds Community Centre
Bingham Road
Sanderstead Details:
18th Purley Scouts Headquarters
For more recommendations from parent, and all my latest updates and information follow me on facebook:
Franchisee Opportunities Now Available!
Looking for a fun, flexible and rewarding job?
Want to be part of a dynamic team but be your own boss?
Also for Franchisees to run the new Toddler Sense programme in Croydon, Hastings, Worthing, Brighton, Wimbledon as well as in Arun.
Fantastic earning potential, self-employed, flexible working hours, comprehensive
training in sensory development techniques and business management.
For more information please contact me on details above.
Look forward to hearing from you!
Baby Sensory terms and conditions/policies
Baby Sensory’s Terms and Conditions aim to present a fair structure to all. The continuity of the highest quality classes for all customers are of our paramount importance, as is our need to secure the regular employment of the best Class Leaders and most convenient clean venues available.
We have the highest commitment to the safety of all persons who attend our lessons and to deliver the highest standard of service.
Without any proven negligence, breach of duty of care or lack of due diligence by the Class Leader, Baby Sensory Ltd., -or employees, your participation (or the person designated by you) with your child attending Baby Sensory classes is done so entirely at your and their own risk.
Payment Methods:
Payment is through our online booking system.
Confirmation of place
If payment is made through any other way than through the online booking system, your place will only be confirmed on full payment. An acknowledgment will be sent once payment is received. If you pay using the online booking system, you will receive an automated reply confirming your place.
Within 7 days of a course starting Baby Sensory is under no obligation to refund or transfer your money in the event that you are unable to attend part of or the entire course. We regret that we are unable to offer an alternative for missed lessons. You are however, welcome to offer your place to a friend as a gift. If you want to offer your place to another, please notify your Class Leader as soon as possible so I can amend my registers.
A course may be cancelled provided the Client informs the Franchisee in writing within 7 days of the course commencing. Please note there will be a £8.50 admin charge for any changes made. Thank you for your understanding and co-operation.
Holidays and sickness policy:
Due to the need to ensure continuity of service, we cannot offer discounts or refunds to cover your booked holidays.
We do allow the invitation of a family member or a friend who also has a baby, to a session which you know you cannot attend. You would need to inform your Class Leader in this instance.
Twins discount:
Baby Sensory offers discounts for twins if brought by a one adult sitting within the teaching circle. A parent with twins will though need to have either another adult or an arrangement with another parent, should they need to take one of the twins to the bathroom. The Class Leader can never be responsible for your child.
Discount: 1st child is charged at full price and the 2nd child is charged at ½ price.
Supervision and withdrawal of service
All children must be supervised at all times and not left unattended. The Class Leader cannot be responsible for a child at any time.
Should a carer or visitor associated with a carer behave in a way that the Class Leader feels is unreasonable then the company reserves the rights to withdraw the provision of classes to the client.
Five weeks before your term runs out your class leader will ask you whether you wish to renew for another term. The Class Leader will then inform you of the mechanism to rebook your space and payment terms.
Cancellation of Classes policy:
Baby Sensory will endeavour to run classes during bad weather e.g. snowy conditions. However should we need to cancel due to safety concerns, parents will be notified/contacted (please make sure phones numbers are kept up to date).
We will also update our Facebook page (--FB--) and should you have any doubts, look at this before setting out.
A make-up class will be offered if we have to cancel a class or refund against a future term’s fees. Regrettably we cannot offer cash refunds.
Parents are asked to keep their babies at home if they have a serious infection and to inform the setting as to the nature of the infection so that other parents can be alerted.
Please keep your baby at home if he/she:
• Has a fever or has had one in the previous 24 hours
• Has had an upset stomach or diarrhoea in the previous 24 hours
• Has heavy nasal discharge
• Has discharging eyes
Has symptoms of a possible communicable diseases such as:
• Measles
• Chicken pox
• German measles
• Whooping cough
• Impetigo
• Scarlett fever
• Hand, foot and mouth disease
• Norovirus
We cannot offer a cancellation for a lesson missed due to illness but we do allow the invitation of a family member or a friend who also has a baby, to a session which you know you cannot attend. You would need to inform your class leader in this instance.
Commitment to Equal Opportunities:
Baby Sensory has a commitment to ensure that the equipment and activities are of equal value and of equal worth to everyone regardless of race, culture, language, gender, age, experience, religion, background, ability or disability.
Data Protection
The information on this form contains personal data.
Baby Sensory and Toddler Sense will record, process and keep your personal information secure in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998. Information will not be passed onto a third party.
Videos and photographs
We love you taking pictures or videos of your children during the course provided it doesn’t interfere with the class. In addition please always be sensitive of taking pictures of others without their permission. If you are asked to stop, please do respect the rights of others.
In addition if the Class Leader feels that the amount of video is excessive, not just short clips, then you may be asked to stop.
Protection of property
Please note that your property left in prams or bags is your responsibility and Baby Sensory cannot take any responsibility for the safeguarding of these items.
Health & Safety and Hygiene Policies:
Baby Sensory follows rigorous internal checks o f the venue and its own equipment to ensure that they are clean and safe. Daily Risk Assessments are conducted.
To replace the below which by being specific opens you up to very direct responsibility.
In addition, Baby Sensory;
· Ensures that the floor surfaces are clean & maintained before the start of each session
· Removes dangerous/sharp objects from the main activity room.
· Keeps the premises clean & safe at all times.
· Ensures the highest level of personal sanitation after using the toilet, changing nappies, emptying bins etc.
· Ensure that the activity room is ventilated & well lit during entrance and exit.
· Will carry out a risk assessment prior to the undertaking of activities at each named venue.
To achieve this Baby Sensory will:
1. Provide means of access and egress that comply with Safety Regulations.
2. Set & check equipment (including soft foam play) before/after use
3. Remove faulty items until made safe
4. Use safety mats in areas where there is risk of injury
5. Make arrangements for ensuring the safety & absence of risks to health at each venue, e.g. storing & transport of articles
6. Safeguard appliances, controls, sockets etc. which must be regularly inspected & adequately guarded by caps (Electricity at Work Regulations, 1989)
7. Disconnect electrical appliances when not in use and use safety cut-out devices on all electrical equipment
8. Attend training courses designed to ensure that the activities are carried out in a safe & healthy manner
9. Provide the necessary technical instruction, information, training and supervision to ensure the health & safety of volunteer helpers
Changes to Terms and Conditions
Baby Sensory from time to time updates these T&Cs. It will inform you of changes through regular channels of communication and you have 14 days to opt out of accepting changes in writing. Failure to do so will entitle Baby Sensory to treat this agreement with you as being updated with the changes.