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Baby Sensory

Class details

Mr Matthew Fox

01722 323454

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Class details

Mr Matthew Fox

01722 323454

Baby Sensory’s award winning baby development classes are now running in your area. You and your baby will experience different sensory activities designed to support your baby’s sensory development every week and you are welcome to join at any time. Baby Sensory is an extremely popular Baby Development activity and many of our classes are fully booked, it is advisable to book early.

Visitors are always welcome but please call in advance to reserve your place.

To register your interest, please contact your local Baby Sensory Class Leader.


***** has worked as a ****** in the ****** industry for ***** years, and after experiencing the magic of Baby Sensory with my son ******** I enquired about running classes….the rest is history! 


I left ***** university with a diploma in ***** and 3 kids Liz (2), Seb (8) and James (9) under my belt, and several years working as a ****** in the ***** industry. And not to mention my passion for The Baby Sensory Programme, and the valuable development lessons we teach babies.  





To book a place for your baby please click on the BOOK NOW option on the timetable of classes or call ******** on: ***********


Prices: Each term lasts 10 weeks and costs: £70.00 

Payment can be made online once booked or you can pay via bank transfer to the bellow details!

A/C ******** SORT CODE: ********

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